How to Effectively Get Rid of Spider Veins

Aug 11, 2016 by

How to Effectively Get Rid of Spider Veins

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are a less serious version of varicose veins. Spider veins are actually deformed capillaries and veins which became swollen and therefore became visible on legs. People notice spider veins mostly on their feet and generally lower legs. Spider veins can be recognized by their purple or dark blue color and they usually resemble a net. Not only do they represent an aesthetic problem but they can also cause mild irritation or even pain. Older women tend to be more prone to spider veins but it is not a rule.

If you want to get rid of spider veins the most important thing is to improve the circulation in your legs. In order to do that, try exercising on a regular basis. Jogging, walking and yoga all help out. Avoid excessive standing and wearing high-heeled shoes. Your clothes should be comfortable at all times and you should never sit with your legs crossed. If your job requires you to stand for a long time, try changing your position often and making small breaks to take a walk or lift your feet up.

You should refrain from smoking, as cigarettes slow down your circulation. If you are overweight, you add extra pressure to your veins which will make them weak and they will eventually swell and become spider veins. Therefore, if you want to get rid of spider veins keeping optimal weight is a must. Avoid eating at night and substitute white grains with whole ones. Instead of eating red meat focus on eating fruit, vegetables and unsaturated healthy oils.


Removing spider veins

If you already suffer from spider veins you can try out different treatment methods. Sclerotherapy is a very popular and effective treatment in which doctors inject an irritating foam in your veins which causes them to shrink and stick together. Later on, healthy tissue absorbs your spider veins and blood can circulate through the healthy veins. Another way to get rid of spider veins is laser surgery. This is a non-invasive and painless treatment that can change your life.

There are many other ways to get rid of spider veins but they may be more dangerous and sometimes even more expensive. Ambulatory phlebectomy, endoscopic vein surgery or a similar treatment which is catheter-based, vein stripping etc. are some of the possible choices. Have in mind that you will need to take few days off to recover from such treatments as your legs might be bruised and painful. The safest choice is to consult your physician about choosing the most suitable treatment for your type of spider veins. However, it is of utmost importance to get rid of spider veins as they can lead to more complicated and more painful health problems.

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